Driving School Borehamwood – “Perfect Balance Between Quick and Ready” Says Craig

Driving School in Borehamwood

You can’t blame Craig Bolden for looking happy here – after all, he’d just passed his first practical driving test at Borehamwood DTC on Tuesday with just four driver faults. Well done Craig!

“It feels amazing!” said Craig outside the driving test centre after passing his test. “I normally suffer with nerves, but Alec ensured I was focused and calm before starting my driving test.

“When I was told I’ve passed, it was such a release of emotion!”

Craig is a teacher at Hertswood Academy in Borehamwood, however his family lives mainly in Kent.

Giving His Wife A Well Deserved Break!

“Now that I have passed my driving test, I can go and visit them much more frequently, as well as give my wife a well deserved break on the long journey!”

Smart thinking, Craig!

Craig passed his test after just 14 hours of driving lessons with Driving Memories, however it wasn’t all plain sailing for him: Craig’s wife and father-in-law also gave him some informal lessons.

“That was actually my biggest challenge,” said Craig. “Whilst I of course appreciate their help, it added barriers of learning through conflicting messages. Alec was brilliant in breaking down those barriers with clarity and simplicity.”

Craig enjoyed his time learning to drive with Alec, his driving instructor at Driving Memories.

“Alec loves to build personalised engaging relationships,” said Craig, “He gets to know his students and then adapts the training accordingly. Also his use of repetition to ensure learning is retained is exemplary.”

And as a teacher himself, Craig knows what he’s talking about!

As with all of the pupils who learn with Driving Memories, Craig will have some great, lasting memories of his experience learning to drive. We think you should really enjoy that time in your life – and not just think about it as a test you need to pass.

Happy Driving Memories

“I will always remember my time learning to drive with Alec and Driving Memories,” said Craig. “He’s been a lot of fun, but also every single minute is dedicated to intense learning in his lessons.”

It comes as no surprise, then, that Craig highly recommends Driving Memories and Alec to anybody who wants to learn to drive in Borehamwood.


“Alec will not waste a single lesson and strikes the perfect balance between ensuring you take your test as quickly as possible, but not until you are ready.

“From what I’ve heard of other driving instructors, this is not always the case!”

“Thank you Craig,” said Alec. “I wish you many years of happy and safe motoring. Congratulations once again!”